A whole new hair doo!

So, I have naturally jankywavy hair, but for the VAST majority of my life I have always worn my hair straight. Partly because I didn’t 100% know how to fix my hair when it was wavy, and partly because I had the time to spend on my hair so it didn’t really matter. BOY HOW THINGS CHANGE!

After C was born I learned right quick how to make my wavy hair look less janky and more CUTE…here are a couple of the products I use:

I spritz my wet hair w/ the curl booster and crinkle my hair up all over. I then use a diffuser to dry my hair. After that, I use a 1 inch curling iron to fix the janky parts of my hair, rub a small amount of redken glass through my hair, spray with hair spray, and voila! This process takes all of less than 10 minutes from start to finish (versus the 30+ minutes it takes me to straighten it from shower to door)…WOOHOO! Not too shabby eh?


Oh yeah, my fellow Tipsy gal Der took this pic. She has COMPLETELY found her calling in life ya’ll!